Re-designing and re-fitting an office is a significant investment for any business – and if it’s likely to look dated and require another refresh in just a few years, that cost can be hard to justify.
Happily, there are a number of design ideas and principles you can use to create an office that doesn’t just look good today, but that’s going to look just as good in five or 10 years’ time. We’re going to cover each of these in this article, providing a number of pointers to help you create the timeless office you’ve always wanted.
It has to be functional
Office interior design isn’t just about aesthetics: it has to be functional. An office that’s built purely for aesthetic purposes likely won’t age well, and it certainly won’t be enjoyable for your team to work in. So, before you even think about the visuals, it’s imperative that you consider the layout carefully.
Keep it minimalist
Sometimes, less is more. Often, in fact! If something doesn’t need to be there or doesn’t serve a purpose, it probably shouldn’t be in your office.
When it comes to selecting furniture, try to choose pieces that are clean and timeless in appearance. This doesn’t have to mean boring – there are tonnes of timeless pieces out there that will never date and will always look the part!
Personalise it
Another key component of a timeless office interior design is personalisation. Fundamentally, the office has to work for your team. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and incorporate personalised features that tailor the working environment to the specific needs of your employees.
Focus on sustainability
Sustainability is a major concern for businesses in all sectors right now, and this trend isn’t likely to go anywhere. Sustainability is here to stay, so make sure your office is built with it in mind. Use eco-friendly materials where possible, for instance, and try to incorporate nature into the space. You could even implement a living wall to really make a statement!
Think ahead
When planning your new office, try to think about your needs in five or 10 years’ time. Anticipate where your company is likely to be and create a design that caters to this, instead of one that simply accommodates your needs in the here and now.
Speak to the experts at Plann:d
Looking for an office interior design company that can help you create a truly timeless space that works for your business? The experienced team at Plann:d can transform your vision into reality, covering everything from the initial consultation, space planning and design phases through to the final fit-out process. Learn more about what we do today, or get in touch to book a space plan of your own.